Perfect Little Girls

Hello out there!  I’m back with some reflections on a serious topic that seems to be making the rounds in the media, the feminist climate and even in my world of teaching and performing percussion:  Anxiety and depression amongst girls and the need to be everything to everyone and in doing so, trying to be…

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Drumming and Intimacy

Special Introduction for ARTemis:   I was asked to write an article on Love and Sex for Tom Tom Magazine, a well established magazine for female drummers that I regularly write articles for. Since this particular article wasn’t used, I decided that it could totally work as a blog for ARTemis.  Since ARTemis is focused on women…

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Women on the Verge: Volume Eight – Modification and Presentation

No one religion can console this enormous country. No single philosophy convince it. No therapy relieve it of its burdens. No legal system comfort its injustice. No medicine deliver it from pain. No government give it joy. Only art does that.                     playwright Romulus Linney NOTE:  Before reading this posting, please make sure you’ve read Women on…

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Women on the Verge: Volume Seven – Transformation & Evaluation

No one religion can console this enormous country. No single philosophy convince it. No therapy relieve it of its burdens. No legal system comfort its injustice. No medicine deliver it from pain. No government give it joy. Only art does that.                    -playwright Romulus Linney NOTE:  Before…

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Women on the Verge: Volume Five – Gathering and Evaluating Ideas

No one religion can console this enormous country. No single philosophy convince it. No therapy relieve it of its burdens. No legal system comfort its injustice. No medicine deliver it from pain. No government give it joy. Only art does that.                            …

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What's Up With That?

Miriam Rothschild was a British heiress who grew up with gobs of money.  But, get this: she didn’t attend school until she was 17 and never earned a degree.  By the time of her death she was an internationally famous expert known for her groundbreaking discoveries about…bugs. Granted she had an abundance of resources, being an…

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Women on the Verge: Volume Four -Deconstructing the Creative Process

No one religion can console this enormous country. No single philosophy convince it. No therapy relieve it of its burdens. No legal system comfort its injustice. No medicine deliver it from pain. No government give it joy. Only art does that.                                     — playwright Romulus Linney Vol. 4: Deconstructing the Creative Process This blog begins…

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Inspiration A Good Fit

Quick story:  A big guy applies for a job moving furniture.  The foreman gives him a test saying, “Ok, go load this dining table in to that truck.”   The big guy stares at the huge oak table and replies, “You’re crazy.  I can’t move that thing by myself.”   The foreman smiles and says,…

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