The Plan

Our mission is to advance the woman artist through knowledge building, exposure, and support. We serve self-identifying women artists across three artistic sectors: Visual Arts, Performing Arts, and Literature . We invite female allies - non-artists, and males - to lend their support by joining our organization both as donors and members.

Our Current and Future Programs Center Around Three Aims:


Knowledge Building

provide educational programs, workshops,classes, and self-empowerment training to enable the woman artist to develop her stories and strengthen her voice



increase public awareness of and attendance for the work of the woman artist, and improve access to high level opportunities for women as artists



facilitate opportunities through providing necessary support, network like-minded professionals and artists, and act as a critical sounding board for artistic endeavors

ARTemis will work to improve conditions experienced by female arts
professionals through an array of programs, educational opportunities and
professional consultations.

Our focus is on the artist, their confidence, abilities and promotional capabilities, as well as women-focused creative organizations and producing entities.

Full programming Will Include:
Professional Development Programs, Artistic and Creative Assistance for Production and Presentational Development, Packaging and Promoting Support for Key Artistic Works by Female Artists.
