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The founder Sam Hull and The Board of Directors
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Board Members

Diane Beareden-Enright
Diane is the founder and owner of 3 Quarters Right. She is the former Senior Manager of Meetings and Logistics for the Country Music Association. Diane holds an MFA from the University of Florida. She currently resides in the greater Nashville, TN area, but is always up for trip to the beach. Diane has an extensive resume performing across Florida, New York City and Tennessee. She has also taught at the Tennessee Governors School.
Diane is excited to be the Founding President of the ARTemis Board of Directors. She believes ARTemis’ mission is essential to opening doors for more women in leadership roles across all sectors of the ARTs in the United States both in the professional and educational sectors.

Sam Hull
Vice President
Sam is a professional director, teacher, MC, designer, creative consultant, acting coach and performer. He has directed award winning productions both on stage and in film, won numerous design awards and has appeared as a performer in over 60 productions including opera, stage, film, and TV. He has worked with organizations throughout the USA and Canada. He currently sits on the Artist United Board, maintains membership in three unions and owns two design businesses. Sam is a member of ATHE and has taught at nine universities both as a professor and guest artist in residence. Sam holds an MFA from the University of Florida and two Bachelor’s degrees from Bradley University.
Sam’s career has focused on producing, directing and reinventing artistic opportunities for women. He encourages women to look beyond the limitations set by the industry and find new and exciting methods of communicating with the world at large. His primary mission is to raise the awareness of limited opportunities for women in the arts, with a goal of advancing the definition of “women’s work” and creating outlets and partnerships for women in the professional and educational arenas. He has been advancing the woman artist through Knowledge Building, Exposure and Support for over 26 years.
Leslie Clark
Leslie is the co-owner of Smith and Clark CPA, a Portland, OR based company residing in the downtown area. Leslie is a veteran of non-profit boards having held a seat and the Presidency on Ride Connection, an Oregon based services organization. Leslie enjoys her work and has a granddaughter that also has her heart.
Leslie is a NON-ARTESIAN ALLY to the arts and sees the needs that ARTemis fills in the greater arts community as a necessity. She brings her vast board experience, her mastery of numbers and more importantly her love of the arts to the table as she steps into her leadership role on the board of directors.
Sarah Behr
Sarah holds a degree in Russian Studies and is the mom to twin 12 year old girls. Sarah is a volunteer extraordinaire and has a rich family history of major philanthropic work. Sarah has been a volunteer and taken on a leadership role with the Providence Festival of Trees leadership team, which raises $1.5 million annually.
Sarah was the first financial supporter to fund ARTemis. She was instrumental in launching the organizational segments as well as the first workshop offerings. Sarah and her family made it possible in the early days to find fiscal sponsorship and to grow the ideas into the focused non-profit ARTemis is staged to become.
Jaki King
Jaki is a librarian, researcher and a writer. She holds a masters degree in library science and information management from Emporia State University. She currently resides and works in Orange County, California. This has been a transition for her as she is a born and bred Oregonian, but she hopes to eventually get used to the sunshine. When she isn't working as a Librarian she researches topics for authors and creators.
She is currently working on a nonfiction book of her own about sharks and their connection to humans as a cultural stereotype. Jaki is an intersectional feminist and actively works to support and encourage women in all facets of life and experiences. She is very proud to be a supporter of ARTemis Arts and hopes to accomplish many things for the artists involved.
Kristi Plahn-Gjersvold
Corporate Giving Chair
Kristi Plahn-Gjersvold is the Assistant Dean for Administration & Strategic Initiatives at American University’s School of Communication in Washington, DC. Kristi provides leadership to the School’s external research funding administration, execution of strategic partnership agreements, inclusion and community building efforts and full time human resource management from the Office of the Dean. She creates strategies, budgets and resource scenarios for initiatives for the School’s centers, labs, institutes, and special projects. She also supervises AU's Game Center operations.
Kristi has a wealth of experience from her background in the foundation and nonprofit sectors. Prior to shifting to higher education, she managed external relations at the Benton Foundation, coordinating strategic communications and its website as well as managing grant and development relationships. Kristi was with Very Special Arts (VSA arts) as the research and evaluation coordinator, writing and administrated private and federal grants as well as assisted in the creation of evaluation tools. At VSA arts, she created and managed an online community project and established partnerships for community model access sites for artists with disabilities. Kristi’s professional portfolio also includes work in theatre and gallery management, research and editing for a human rights organization at the United Nations in Vienna, Austria, and public relations coordination for a national speaker’s bureau. She was also a volunteer literacy tutor for at-risk children in Peoria, Illinois, and District of Columbia schools. She is a published poet.
Kristi holds a BA in international studies and German with a minor in creative writing from Bradley University. She studied international relations and art history at the University of Vienna and German linguistics at the Goethe Institute in Germany. Kristi completed credits toward a Masters of Fine Arts in Creative writing and has a MS in Organizational Development from American University.
Mary Sauve
Funding Chair
Mary is an artist, activist, and community volunteer. A native of Washington State, she holds a J.D. and M.B.A. from Vanderbilt University and practiced law in California before moving to Portland. Mary has organized political and fundraising campaigns for progressive candidates and non profit organizations. She’s was a founding member of an arts middle school foundation and has chaired numerous large events and done fundraising for both private and public schools and community causes. Her college-age children are pursuing visual art, performance art and design studies. Mary is a ceramics artist and teaches art privately and in school art programs. Mary also works with persons in the terminal stage of life.